Sunday, February 21, 2016

Digital Blog C

As an artist, copyrights are my pepper spray to thieves. It is a protection from the United States for one's music, artwork, or writings(p.118). Copyrighting is basically having the rights that say a person owns the piece of work. If anyone else uses it in any way that the original artist does not like or deemed fitting then legal action can be taken. Although there is a thing called creative commons that say an artist keeps the copyright, allows it to be used as long as the credit is given to the author. I think that this is the best approach for use of teaching material. Credit should be given to where credit is due but as long as the it is used for education it should not matter. I am not saying that there is not the one educator who will claim that a lesson plan was thought of, created, and solely their own work when it was not but that is why we have copyrights. Being part of a band, I like to think that no one will steal our ideas. Although it would ruin someones life if they used or stole our music because guess what? We have copyrights.

Don't let this happen to you.

Sometimes when I want to check a quick fact I will do a Google search and usually pick the Wikipedia link. Why? Mainly because it is usually the first result. Then after I check what I needed I click a related link from the original page to another and then another. 30 minutes later I am a page that is completely unrelated to what I started with. Wikipedia is an encyclopedia that is online. There is a staff and volunteers that pick and choose which articles can stay and police the pages. They do this because pages can be revised or new ones can be made by anyone. Now some of the pages might be totally true but they can also be utter nonsense. Not going to lie: I have used Wikipedia to write papers because they have cited sources and related links at the bottom of the page; that is something more reliable and can be used. I like to think Wikipedia is more of a search engine, something that can give you a piece of information. It's just up to you to figure out if it is legit or not. Other online encyclopedias can be a more accurate source(Microsoft Encarta, How Stuff Works, etc) because they are written and edited by scholars (p.114-115).

One thing that I absolutely despise is Badware. It has ruined my past computers and laptops. Luckily the were all free or cheap and when I finally got around to buying my own decent laptop I had a buddy install software that stops pop up ads and such. Badware can also be called adware or spyware and it is a software that gets into the computer and takes control over it. It can redirect websites that you use and work against the software used to prevent invasive software (p.164). It really can be troublesome like when you are trying to do research and you get a million ads for President's Day sales or how to fix your credit.

So I have a question: Do you know how to prevent Badware? Click the link and let me know your answer!

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Creativity can be defined as "thinking and acting in ways that generate alternative approaches to people, presentations, and problems" (Maloy, p.61-62). From how we see colors to how we dress, everyone is their own sort of person and unique. Creativity can come in the form of music, pictures, words, building, inventing, and several other ways. It can be a form of expressing one's self, an outlet for emotion. Schools help students express their creativity through extracurricular activities; art classes where you are taught how to draw and color but initially creating the work yourself. Schools have music classes such as band, orchestra, or choir where you learn an instrument and are eventually taught to be self sufficient and make your own songs or pieces of music. There are technology classes where you are taught how to make your own websites and computer programs.

A learning style I find intriguing is constructivism. It is a theory that is based on how people learn, through their own mind in forming new information given(W.L). Think of it as the question of is the red you see the same red that I see? A big part of constructivism is taking the knowledge that a student already knows and helping them grow and construct from the prior knowledge. As of now, I am the only one who signed up to follow a discussion blog about constructivism but I do look forward to hearing how others feel about this practice being used in the classroom.

Feedback can be a very effective tool to help improve a students wor. Aside from it being a line of communication between student and teacher, it shows support from the teacher. By using feedback as a teaching tool, it lets students know if they are not from learning the content or if they are understanding and comprehending work material. Feedback can also help a student to learn from the mistakes or the right answers; this way they could possibly use feedback skills for solving problems or thinking critically(Maloy, p.54).

See how big a difference in how and what you say something can be?

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

 W. L. (n.d.). Constructivism as a Paradigm for Teaching and Learning. Retrieved February 04, 2016, from